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Manx Wow Guild Ideas


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We 4 manned Ulduar on Sunday, ok ok ok so it was just the first half - massive rep bill on the second but noone was on to see that lol. Me, me husband and me 3 Swedish friends are back playing, I cba leveling a new char or any of that so we are playing in the Manx guild, which has, as Cronky says, more or less died...less of chat about all the good players going, C & E are wicked players and are die hard social players, one day we might find some other people who are like us & don't NEED to progress the minute there is new game content.


I made a guild event for tonight to try clearing Ulduar but seeing as our other regular is in New York ...its a no goer but ya never know.....I hear you can do things with people from other realms now, so, if anyone wants to add our little group I think I am thebees@manx.net

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  • 4 months later...

Rather a sad little coda to the tale of the grand guild - MANX.


Basically, those of us who are still active have fucked off to Horde on Doomhammer. Unfortunately we just didn't have enough active players on Frostwhisper to keep the guild viable, plus Frostwhisper is quite possibly the WORST SERVER EVER - Alliance are outnumbered about 5:1, even Stormwind is damn near empty some of the time - and it's PvP too, which makes just going about your business in contested zones really quite painful.


A Manx guildy had a good scout around and eventually chose our new home as Doomhammer, which is a well balanced PvE server, and we were given a really nice welcome by an excellent guild on there called 'Essence of Mercy':




The Manx guild hasn't been dissolved, it still exists on Frostwhisper and anyone who's decided to stay behind won't see any 'change' as such, except there will be just about no one left as active players.


Those of us who have made the switch (at a cost of £35 per character (!!)) are enjoying the game much more again (we're currently at six Manxies who've moved over with two or three more to come). The guild are a very friendly bunch, they're active raiders but still manage to be casual and chilled out at the same time. I'm not in any hurry to raid, quite happy with the new 4.3 content for my 85s and levelling a character from 1 to see all the Horde changes in Cataclysm. (Although I did have a bit of a baptism of fire on the night I joined the guild as they were short a tank for a Firelands raid so I had a crack, we got three bosses down in three hours so not a total disaster. Really nice crew on Mumble too, lots of laughs.)


If anyone else fancies giving the game a go on Doomhammer then give me a shout, Horde are far better than the pansy-ass Alliance anyway.



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I'm really enjoying the game again, nice busy server, nice active and friendly guild, new content to see, on Horde again - and thebees + other Manxies to talk shit to in guild chat :D


I've realm+faction switched three 85s over to Doomhammer now, at a cost of £105 chris.gif


Fucking Blizzard, at least Dick Turpin wore a mask.

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I was lucky enough to pursuade a friend who is a GM to give me some transfer codes when I switched, he has not been around for a couple of months now, word is he is getting panda powered up. If i hear from him I will get some codes and pass them along.


I went straight back into raiding after leaving Manx. Back to semi hardocre raiding 3 times a week, deathwing dead and working towards my batman daggers :) I do miss Manx but I cant shake the raiding bug and my current guild feels like home at the moment.

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I was lucky enough to pursuade a friend who is a GM to give me some transfer codes when I switched, he has not been around for a couple of months now, word is he is getting panda powered up. If i hear from him I will get some codes and pass them along.


I went straight back into raiding after leaving Manx. Back to semi hardocre raiding 3 times a week, deathwing dead and working towards my batman daggers smile.png I do miss Manx but I cant shake the raiding bug and my current guild feels like home at the moment.


Essence of Mercy on Doomhammer is the best of both worlds in a way, there's a nice bunch of Manxies there (guild chat feels just like it did back on Manx when a few of us are twittering away :D), but they're also a big, active raiding guild that can clear on-level raid content without too much trouble.


Plus there's the new LFR tool now which makes seeing all the content relatively easy.


Which server did you end up on Mr Puppet? You were by far and away our best tank in Manx, I can understand you wanting to find a guild elsewhere that could raid properly :)

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Man , that's expensive. 35 quid, all for the click of a few buttons.


It is expensive for what it is, but overall playing WoW saves me a fortune, because I'm not spending £35 on UTTER SHIT such as Skyrim, or buying BF3 for £40 which I played out in a month, or randomly buying games I like to look of on XBLA only to realise I don't like them very much etc etc.


So yes £105 is a wedge of cash to spend, but on the other hand I'll get months of play out of my characters on the new server in the new guild, and thereafter it's only £9 per month.

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I went to hellscream and started raiding with my rogue and I use my shadow priest as my second main. My tank does not even get a look in now, i probably wont gear him up until the next xpac and learn to tank again. I was debating SWTOR and I had a beta key but gave it to a lad at work who was creaming himself about it. I cant see me putting time into anything other than wow and D3 next month

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MrBees has permitted me to move a char :) Furry should be in EoM today, shes got rubbish gear though (skillz to match). My friend suggested a demo of Gyzor - handy little helper that is, my DK is flying through levels & it's helped me sort out my talents, I wish I was so into the game I cared about .003 extra dps but I'm not, I just like the social and mucking about killing things. Mr Twonky, what stats should I be going for with a frost dual wielding? I was going for stam & strength but I haven't got a clue & every forum says something else, you seem to be quite good at your dk :) Bubs is wicked innit?


Looking forward to D3 too, I haven't played anything other than wow for ...omg enough said. :D

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