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Manx Wow Guild Ideas


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well i'm back in the fold...decided on rolling a nelf warrior ( Cushag ), although i hit lvl 10 last nite. I may work him up to 20 and decide on something different ( healer class maybe )?


edited to add:


I cannot for the life of me get carbonite to work. I've downloaded the most up-to-date patch. Unzipped it and put it in my addon folder, but it doesn't register when I log in?


I'm on a mac, I don't know if this has any bearing on what I should be doing?


To be fair though, it's nice to sit down and read through the quests and then have to search...

Edited by K.os Theory
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Best thing to do is get the curse client. http://www.curse.com/client/ it's a nice bit of software where you can download add-ons and it will unpack them and put them in your correct folder ready for use. It even tells you when there are updates available.


Did you get a guild invite last night ?

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Ok, so Cataclysm is released tonight at 11pm GMT.


Anyone who wants to join a Manx Only guild then create a character on Frostwhisper (Alliance side) I hear the Worgen starting zone is supposed to be amazing. Once logged in do a /who Manx or PM me here and I will arrange an invite for you to the guild.


Here is our guild community page - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/guild/frostwhisper/manx/roster



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Ok, so Cataclysm is released tonight at 11pm GMT.


Anyone who wants to join a Manx Only guild then create a character on Frostwhisper (Alliance side) I hear the Worgen starting zone is supposed to be amazing. Once logged in do a /who Manx or PM me here and I will arrange an invite for you to the guild.


Here is our guild community page - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/guild/frostwhisper/manx/roster




Its tomorrow night surely not tonight

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Well I'm all Cataclysm ready, got it pre-ordered and downloaded, logged into my huntard a couple of days ago to get his glyphs and talents and rotation sorted, so I'll be good to start questing tomorrow evening.


Really quite in the mood for it after a break of a couple of months.

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