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General Election 2011 - Douglas North


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I will be voting for Theo and that Hill bloke, even though I know nothing about the latter

Sorry - I have to ask this:


Obviously you don't support both? So why two votes and not just one vote for Theo then?


You can use only one vote.


Wouldn't you feel a bit of a chump if your candidate lost by one vote to a guy you know nothing about?

Or wouldn't you feel a chump if you'd only used one vote and either Bill or Ben scraped into second place ahead of Hill by one vote?

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I will be voting for Theo and that Hill bloke, even though I know nothing about the latter

Sorry - I have to ask this:


Obviously you don't support both? So why two votes and not just one vote for Theo then?


You can use only one vote.


Wouldn't you feel a bit of a chump if your candidate lost by one vote to a guy you know nothing about?

Or wouldn't you feel a chump if you'd only used one vote and either Bill or Ben scraped into second place ahead of Hill by one vote?

Personally I don't think that will happen with Hill, I don't think he has that much chance. But your point is valid if your target is Bill or Ben at all costs.


I am still only giving my support to Theo though, as all of the other 3 are much of a muchness to me, and I'd hate to see him get beaten by one vote by even Hill.


No one knows the outsiders form until the fat lady sings on Thursday night.

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I think the important thing is also to tell your friends, family, etc, about your favourite candidate - yes, we might be discussing things lively here but not everyone reads MF. Spread the word is the message and let's get Theo in! Please, interwebnets, make it so! :)

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I haven't looked at the form properly yet, but don't I have two votes? If not, I will only vote for Theo (yes, I would feel a tit in the circumstances you describe). Theo in is the priority, Bill and/or Ben out is a secondary issue

Yes, you have two votes - but you don't have to use both of them. Your paper will be valid with only one X

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Theo, for what it's worth you had my vote this evening. I am deeply disappointed you didn't get in as I actually found what you had to say interesting when you were recently at my doorstep. Houghton couldn't even be bothered to show at my door, nor stick a manifesto through it. I really hoped it was time for Twit and Tw*t to get out. Common sense - not for Douglas North it seems. :(

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The election in this constituency illustrates that candidates who neglect parochial issues and concentrate on national ones are wasting their time. Mr Henderson and Mr Houghton have done much work looking after the Willaston people that there was very little chance that the two other candidates could beat one or both of them.

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The election in this constituency illustrates that candidates who neglect parochial issues and concentrate on national ones are wasting their time. Mr Henderson and Mr Houghton have done much work looking after the Willaston people that there was very little chance that the two other candidates could beat one or both of them.

Disagree fundamentally - their majorities have been slashed substantially.


Pain hasn't hit that area yet. Wait till the vat cut etc. kicks in - and Henderson and Houghton find that fixing fences and chatting up grannies just won't cut it anymore.


Majority slashed means people are waking up to the new reality.

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The reality is that there is no change in Douglas North for 5 years. This partnership has been very successful in maintaining their grip on this constituency. I do not have a crystal ball about our future but share many of the concerns which you have written passionately about.

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It's a disappointing result - people of DN, you have some explaining to do! I partially agree with AT - they lost votes and quite a few. Hopefully next time, but for now the Homophobe & Funnyface Sideshow continues...

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Theo, for what it's worth you had my vote this evening. I am deeply disappointed you didn't get in as I actually found what you had to say interesting when you were recently at my doorstep. Houghton couldn't even be bothered to show at my door, nor stick a manifesto through it. I really hoped it was time for Twit and Tw*t to get out. Common sense - not for Douglas North it seems. :(


Thank you very much for your support.

I truly regret not to have been able to deliver.

Although the opponents have been dented they have survived for another 5 years.

As a one-man band with a late start and a funny name I take comfort in the fact that 869 good people from Douglas North have given me their vote.

It was a great experience and I have learnt a lot.

Maybe next time....

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So sorry Theo I really hoped you would get in, where you went wrong was you didnt promise a constant stream of buses through Willaston to all points of the Island and you didnt promise to clear the snow away form every road and lane as it was falling, these were the main election issues for the people who live in Willaston.

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