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Israel vs. the rest of the world?


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25 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Given he's completely incabale of being reasonable of his own volition it's probably safe to assume he was pushed.

He’s never, and will never, forgive Joney for winning with the larger majority. I was there on the day and he was so self assured that nothing but nothing was going to get in his way to victory. He even had me convinced that he was going to win. Ever since, he’s used every possible avenue to discredit her and the MLP. It’s really just a testament to me about how completely unsuitable he is for any kind of public office. I’m not looking at his website. My head can’t take it today.

Anyway, as you were. 

Edited by Roxanne
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4 hours ago, HeliX said:

How many do?

But the answer is that some Gazans perhaps feel quite strongly that it's unfair they and their parents/grandparents were ousted from their homes and forced to live in poverty in a tiny strip of land under constant oppression by the state that ousted them. A fraction of those who feel aggreived by that will join radical groups.

So the solution, rather than causing masses more death in the Gazan population which will make it worse, like it always does, is to begin to fix the ills causing the ill-will...

Idiot. You're absolutely not in the real world.

Because Hamas always fires their rockets from densely populated areas the Israelis do not use a counter battery system. Instead they took the moral high ground to ensure there were no "innocent" Palestinians hurt in a counter strike and developed Iron Dome. I have always thought this was a big mistake for two reasons.

Firstly it allowed Hamas to fire their rockets with impunity.

Secondly in a situation where you are dealing with amoral murderous scumbags like Hamas if you do nothing the only thing that changes is that the situation gets worse. Absolutely fucking guaranteed. Hence the assault last week.

What this should tell everyone, even the bleeding hearts on here, is that there's clearly only one way to treat these people and there's no room for morality because it's seen as a weakness to be exploited...

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

Because Hamas always fires their rockets from densely populated areas the Israelis do not use a counter battery system.

It's 25miles long and 2miles across with over 2million people in it. The entire thing is "densely populated areas".


Instead they took the moral high ground to ensure there were no "innocent" Palestinians hurt in a counter strike and developed Iron Dome. I have always thought this was a big mistake for two reasons.

Firstly it allowed Hamas to fire their rockets with impunity.

Secondly in a situation where you are dealing with amoral murderous scumbags like Hamas if you do nothing the only thing that changes is that the situation gets worse. Absolutely fucking guaranteed. Hence the assault last week.

What this should tell everyone, even the bleeding hearts on here, is that there's clearly only one way to treat these people and there's no room for morality because it's seen as a weakness to be exploited...

This is "doing nothing", is it?



Idiot. You're absolutely not in the real world.

Hilarious comment from a person advocating a continuation of the exact strategy that has been demonstrated to not fucking work.

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5 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

P.K.  is essentially saying that there are no innocent Palestinians because 17 years ago an election took place and Hamas won.  As a result every Palestinian is now responsible for the actions of Hamas.

I've never said that.

In drawing attention to the election it's clear that the majority support Hamas.

Although not clearly enough for some people it would seem...

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25 minutes ago, P.K. said:

In drawing attention to the election it's clear that the majority support Hamas.

Most of the Palestinians in Gaza have never voted for anyone. 50% of the inhabitants weren't even born when the last election took place. Most of those that were, were children.

Hamas didn't even win a majority in the 2006 election. Across the Western Bank and Gaza it won a plurality with 44.45% of the vote. In Gaza Hamas didn't win a majority of the votes in any district.

No reasonable observer would claim that that makes it "clear that the majority support Hamas".

For balance it's also not evidence that the majority don't support Hamas. It's simply not something that any meaningful conclusion can be drawn from because it doesn't even involve current residents of the place.

Edited by HeliX
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