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Israel vs. the rest of the world?


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55 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Hatred of the Jews has been passed down from generation to generation deliberately

If you ignore the whole Israel/Palastine thing, the Jews do seem to have been singled out throughout history for particular hatred. 

I know the Romans found them to be an ungovernable bunch of obsessive zealots, more so than anywhere else they conquered.  

Then the Christians went after them for being the killers of Jesus.

From the middle ages onwards, it seems to have been economically based.  Unlike Christians and Muslims, Jews did not have any religious doctrine that forbade interest.  They became money lenders and bankers extraordinaire, with Jewish families like the Rothschilds effectively controlling the European financial system for generations. 

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I thought this is quite a good explanation of how Mossad dropped the ball on this one. 

Main reason - investing in tech rather than actual soldiers. Too many bytes not enough boots.  A problem that seems to be happening in the British Army currently. 


Edited by The Phantom
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1 hour ago, The Phantom said:

I thought this is quite a good explanation of how Mossad dropped the ball on this one. 


Conspiracy theory alert!!

Mossad dropped the ball by underestimating the ferocity and brutality of the Hamas attack. They knew it was going to happen, and likely encouraged it. A war was desired.

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Conspiracy theory alert!!

Mossad dropped the ball by underestimating the ferocity and brutality of the Hamas attack. They knew it was going to happen, and likely encouraged it. A war was desired.

This. LIHOP - Let it happen on purpose. Egypt warned the Israelis 3 days or so before the invasion and chose to take no action thereby giving them the perfect excuse to retaliate with full force. It wouldn't surprise me. War is deceit. And the first casualty is the truth. 

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10 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Conspiracy theory alert!!

Mossad dropped the ball by underestimating the ferocity and brutality of the Hamas attack. They knew it was going to happen, and likely encouraged it. A war was desired.

I think I obliquely referred to this many pages back, just after the attack occurred.

It all seemed so unlikely, Hamas coming though on three fronts with no security warning or intervention whatsoever and no assistance to Israeli citizens from security forces once the attacks commenced.

I mean, got to be honest, it doesn't sound like the IDF that we've seen in the past, not by a long way. Someone somewhere suggested that the government and the IDF had become 'complacent' given that things has been quiet for so long, but frankly, I don't buy that.


Edited by Roxanne
tidy up
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We did a thing on the Arab Israeli conflict as part of our GCSE history a very long time ago. It was learning about the Suez Crisis, especially the behaviour of the British and French, that first alerted me to the idea of conspiracy theories, and that they could actually be true. And that the goodies aren't always as good as they want to make out.

Hamas have made it very hard, these latest attacks harder still, to publicly express your support for the plight of the Palestinian people. Say anything and someone is ready to attack you for it. I think it is important. Despite the many decades of undoubted serious provocation, Israel's behaviour towards the Palestinians, both in the West Bank and Gaza, is abhorrent. It has been for ages. I have absolutely no doubt that there are people in positions of power who would have them all wiped out if they could get away with it. It's no different to Hamas wanting to kill every jew, only they don't say it out loud. 

Israeli's actions have needed calling out on the international stage for a long time.

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I’m troubled by this. All of this. I don’t have the knowledge any of you have but I can see that this proposed strategy is a really bad idea.

It’s going to trigger every other Middle Eastern country. Iran is not going to stand by and watch Israel attack Gaza without military attack  Syria too 

Its going to have repercussions for every world leader who is supporting it.

Its already having huge repercussion all around the world with ordinary Muslim people being targeted and attacked.

There IS a humanitarian crisis  there are thousands of people without water, food, shelter, fuel, hospitals  they were asked to move south, they’ve done so and no humanitarian corridor has opened. No aid is allowed in. This is going to be genocide on a massive scale.

And why? Yes, what happened was hellish but, at it’s basic level, Isreal should have been ‘on it’ They weren’t and now their planned reaction is going to be catastrophic  

They are not going to eradicate  Hamas. If anything, they are going to make it stronger with more sympathisers joining from all over the world. 

This is going to escalate violence in a scale we can’t even imagine and it’s going to create a cycle of violence that will never end. Again, I know my opinion is basic, but this is too much for ‘revenge’ Too much  

Another solution must be found  A political solution. The alternative is a price too high to pay for everyone.

Get rid of Hamas government. Stop Israel building huge complexes on Palestinian land.

Get round the fucking table and sort it.

I’m actually astounded that world leaders are supporting this  it’s utter madness. Have they no common sense to see where this is going to end? 

Fucks sake.

Anyway, I’ve wanted to say that for days and now I’ve said it. 

I’m not getting involved any more. It’s too utterly utterly depressing  



Edited by Roxanne
Typos with my furious typing.
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