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Israel vs. the rest of the world?


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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

That said, I don't think any of it justifies Israel's current (or ongoing) behaviour towards Gaza's population. Not one bit. And I don't think the current action is going to improve the situation at all, in fact it's very likely to make it considerably worse, and spread considerably wider.

If my property was infested with vermin I would want them exterminated as well...

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Just now, HeliX said:

You don't think it's valid for Palestinians to be aggreived at the loss of their land, homes, families etc? And to expect there to be some sort of resolution?

I think they should be aggrieved with the arab states that have effectively left them in limbo and stateless when they could have had much more...

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Just now, P.K. said:

I think they should be aggrieved with the arab states that have effectively left them in limbo and stateless when they could have had much more...

...but not with the people who actually ousted them and continue to illegal occupy their land and keep 2million of them in a state of poverty with insufficient access to basic necessities? Do you really, honestly think that had you had the misfortune to be born in Gaza you wouldn't think Israel was quite a bit responsible for that?

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14 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What ousted them was not taking advantage of UN Resolution 181.

"The Plan also called for Economic Union between the proposed states, and for the protection of religious and minority rights. While Jewish organizations collaborated with UNSCOP during the deliberations, the Palestinian Arab leadership boycotted it.

The proposed plan is considered to have been pro-Zionist by its detractors, with 62% of the land allocated to the Jewish state despite the Palestinian Arab population numbering twice the Jewish population."

That's probably the reason.

Anyway, no country should accept invasion just because it's Ok'ed by the UN.


Edited by HeteroErectus
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It would seem that the hospital strike was down to a malfunctioning rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad which I presume is yet another bunch of religious nutters who hate Jews.

BBC Verify showed the ground zero of the strike. There were burned out vehicles etc in the courtyard where it took place. But also roof tiles on surrounding buildings were virtually untouched. Plus there was a crater that was very small. The BBC Verify team then showed a photograph of Palestinian Police reaching into the crater, yes it was that small, presumably looking for remains of the missile. Now there is no shortage of the remains of Western missiles in Gaza so what were they looking for?

Video then showed missile tracks heading for Israel. One clearly malfunctions. What follows is a massive ground  fireball where the malfunctioning device would have landed. It was the hospital.

As it's clearly not a strike by HE it's nothing to do with Israel...

ETA - it would appear the border with Egypt will be opened for relief supplies. Biden seems to have won that one...

Edited by P.K.
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@P.K. Plenty of gas cylinders powering a hospital building like that, by the look of it. Oxygen, LPG, flammable Diesel/avgas generator fuel. Very probably poorly constructed/maintained. The live-feed video from Al-Jazeera is fairly convincing; the rocket-trail and misfire, change of direction from source and the resulting fireball. Don't know what to make of the alleged phone tap, I wouldn't put it past Mossad producing such if it was trying a cover-up, but wouldn't the Israelis just hold their hands up and admit to any mistakes initially? Appears very much like it was faulty rocketry fired from the adjoining cemetery by Palestinian Islamic Jihad(ISIS), probably supplied by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard or smuggled out of Russia/Ukraine/name-any-current-conflict-zone, anywhere. Not much you can't buy on the open arms market these days. Maybe the shrapnel signature will give it away but saying that, there's going to be a lot of Israeli fragments lying around all over that area. Who knows...

Your choice of words in that post was a misfire in itself. It came across like another corporal I know of, or a line from Schindler's list. Unfortunately, it took the shine off a run of unusual sensibility from you 😁 

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