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Israel vs. the rest of the world?


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17 minutes ago, HeliX said:

This isn't going to get resolved until someone accepts responsibility or outside experts get involved.

It will never be resolved because any evidence has already been removed by Palestinians.

However it is very obvious that it wasn't an Israeli munition...

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There are aerial photos of the Hospital compound and it doesn't look destroyed. 

Big explosion in the carpark for sure with lots of burnt out cars, but most of the surrounding buildings appear relatively undamaged. 


Edited by The Phantom
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Terrible that this whole affair is for the Palestinian people, the response of Israel had to be to the proportions to which it has gone about. A tit for tat response would achieve nothing and Hamas and their ilk needs to be wiped out and forever eradicated from the Palestinian people's options. Not that they ever had any options. Any populist rivals for power are eradicated and Hamas have no interest in the Palestinian people. Their sole purpose is to destroy Israel, they are not interested in peace and harmony in the region. If peace were declared, what would Hamas and their Islamic connections do? More of the same, and more suffering for the Palestinian people. They have constantly rejected any attempts for peace, and killed anyone who suggested it!

Other Islamic countries offer no aid to refugees, that would be seen as a retreat from Gaza, which would go against their Islamic belief that Israel should not exist. Meanwhile, they are happy to see their fellow Muslims martyred in the destruction of Hamas. 

We may be baffled by the way in which Western leaders are massaging Israel's ego and supporting its actions? It's not so baffling at all, Israel could escalate this war with the ultimate aim of destroying all of its enemies but destroying itself along with it. Like Samson, it could push away the pillars and let the whole thing collapse on everyone. Hence Rishi Sunak et al flying around visiting the Saudis and Israelis to prevent the Samson option. 

We live in dangerous times indeed, I'll wager that those who read that Archduke Ferdinand had been assassinated in 1914, never thought about what it would lead to! 

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According to that nice John Crace top tories Sunak, Cleverley, Shapps and probably more have all absented themselves from the UK deliberately to miss today's by-election results...

Frankly Sunak looked and sounded pathetic to me.

I don't often watch Peston but his guests were former head of MI6 Sir Alex Younger and former CIA boss and Iraqi veteran General David Patraeus.

When asked whether Biden had accepted the explanation of the hospital bombing rather too readily according to Younger US analytics would have quickly ascertained what had actually taken place and passed it on. Personally I would have preferred it had they not been taken off their primary role of providing targetting information on Hamas positions to the IDF. Younger also warned that an IDF incursion was essentially following the narrative as written by the Hamas planners.

According to Patraeus a ground incursion can, will and must destroy most of Hamas and dismantle it's political organisation that is currently running the Gaza Strip. The military must then immediately move into anti-insurgency mode as a fair few incredibly brave holy warriors would already have left Gaza ASAFP with a view to continue to force Palestinians to die for their cause from a safe distance.

The political vacuum must also be filled but that's down to the Knesset.

He also warned that following the Hamas plan will result in a lot of casualties. Expect booby-trapped roads and buildings, IED's, car bombs, suicide bombers the whole nine yards.

Iran and the othe arab states have a great deal to answer for...

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On 10/18/2023 at 1:10 PM, P.K. said:

If my property was infested with vermin I would want them exterminated as well...

I assume you are referring to those who are living on stolen land and in stolen houses in the occupied territories?

Regardless, the sentiment says more about you than you might realise.

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7 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Oh he knows full well what it says about him. He's absolutely shameless. 


I've always called terrorists vermin.

I suppose I could call them revolting murderous thugs or similar, which they most certainly are, but vermin seems to be more apt somehow...

You mentioned all the Palestinians in refugee camps in the surrounding arab states. Over the seventy years of their existence there must have been thousands of births in these camps.

Do the host countries issue these new citizens of theirs with a passport? After all, they clearly qualify...


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1 hour ago, Tailless said:

I assume you are referring to those who are living on stolen land and in stolen houses in the occupied territories?

Regardless, the sentiment says more about you than you might realise.


Don't blame me.

Take it up with the UN and the surrounding arab states...

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