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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Good morning Ian

My own experience of genuine experts is that they have humility, and an understanding of how little they know (I don’t claim any of the former but have the latter in spades!).

During the so-called pandemic we were bombarded with instructions, rather than well-meaning guidance or advice, to inject ourselves, our loved ones, and God forbid, pregnant women - a group that even the most ignorant would know should be treated with ‘kid gloves’ - to inject ourselves with newly developed drugs on which there was little or no safety data. All this from ‘experts’, with an array of letters after their names - now many with grand titles in front of their names. Those who claimed less expertise, but advocated caution were castigated, or worse, by the media. Some paid a high price for their seeming attempt at honest and well-meaning advice.

Dr Tess Lawrie - the well respected founder of the World Council for Health - is one such voice. Should anyone doubt that, feel free to listen to what she actually says. It is not for no reason that independently minded - and I shall say, honest - doctors and medical professionals in 50 or so countries have aligned themselves with her and her organisation.

I believe it was Churchill who said that ‘the average man, when he stumbles across the truth, picks himself up, dusts himself down, and continues as though nothing had happened”. Tess Lawrie, Peter McCullough and many others appear to be speaking truths that powerful vested interests prefer would remain unspoken. Unlike the regulatory bodies and media, who would have us believe - despite the increasing volume of evidence being revealed - that these mass vaccination programs are ‘safe and effective’. Which is clearly not true. Look for yourself, if interested.

Wishing you, and all forum readers, a pleasant and positive day


Edited by ricardo
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On 9/21/2023 at 1:06 PM, ricardo said:

Both of those diseases were radically impacted by the development of sewerage systems and better hygiene standards - which MAY have been the sole cause other their, almost, eradication.

Polio only started breaking out in the 1900s in big numbers.

Sewer systems were quite trendy by then thanks to the Victorians.

Surely, if it was sewers what fixed it, it’d be the other way round. 

Plus, there are still billions who don’t have indoor plumbing or even good sanitation. Yet still no smallpox.

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On 9/18/2023 at 10:04 AM, Escape Artist said:

I could post tens of scientific papers demolishing the official covid narrative maintained by the politically correct mainstream media. Showing, for instance, that the clinical trials conducted Pfizer and Moderna were intentionally designed to grossly misrepresent vaccine efficacy; a fraud basically. The covid injectables have no efficacy whatsoever.

Are you qualified to tell the difference between a good and bad scientific paper?

Anyone can pay to submit to a crap journal. 

On 9/18/2023 at 10:04 AM, Escape Artist said:

People are stupid and ignorant. If you had been born in Russia, you would be Putin's happy foot soldiers; until losing an arm or leg of course. You deserve to be screwed.

The irony is that some of the various anti-vax and anti-5G claims have not insignificant links to Russia.

The GRU specialise in spreading fake news. 

And as for Dr McCullough, you’ll notice he’s being sued by a former employer for falsely claiming ongoing affiliation. If he isn’t honest about his employer, what else isn’t he honest about? 

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On 9/24/2023 at 7:48 AM, ricardo said:

Unlike the regulatory bodies and media, who would have us believe - despite the increasing volume of evidence being revealed - that these mass vaccination programs are ‘safe and effective’. Which is clearly not true.

The "World Council For Health" promotes Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid 19 which has been proven to be totally ineffective.

So what do you think stopped Covid 19 from ravaging the planet...?

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32 minutes ago, ricardo said:

Even if it was true,

Are you suggesting that autism is worse than polio or meningitis etc?

Many of the things we vaccinate against have life changing effects.

Never mind that the one study that claimed it was completely debunked over and over. Nobody has been able to replicate those results. Not least because the data was deliberately fiddled. 

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My previous post linked to a Twitter post that was made by an autism specialist of 27 years, who themself has an autistic child. She, along with many, many parents, noticed irreparable changes in her child immediately post vaccine. I make no claims but my own observations are that the stats - as highlighted above - are shocking. And appear irrefutable.

I can also only repeat that even cursory research shows vaccination programs have had, throughout history, very different outcomes to what we read about, and are told in the mainstream media. Anyone who doubts that is welcome to research for yourself. You might be surprised. Perhaps even shocked. I was.

Below is a link to a recent Twitter post by former England footballer Matt Le Tissier. He was shocked by how many professional footballers were becoming sick with myocarditis following covid vaccinations and did his own research. He found the same information that anyone else does, ie; huge numbers of people injured with ‘side effects’ so started brining attention to this. He was of course, then quickly branded as an ‘anti vaxxer’ although was not, just a caring man who had the courage to speak up.

Please do your own research if you, or any of yours are thinking of further injections.


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1 hour ago, ricardo said:

Below is a link to a recent Twitter post by former England footballer Matt Le Tissier. He was shocked by how many professional footballers were becoming sick with myocarditis following covid vaccinations and did his own research. He found the same information that anyone else does, ie; huge numbers of people injured with ‘side effects’ so started brining attention to this. He was of course, then quickly branded as an ‘anti vaxxer’ although was not, just a caring man who had the courage to speak up.

No, he a crackpot that's been posting absolute nonsense on social media for years.

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55 minutes ago, ricardo said:

She, along with many, many parents, noticed irreparable changes in her child immediately post vaccine. I make no claims but my own observations are that the stats - as highlighted above

57% of stats on Internet forums are made up on the spot.

56 minutes ago, ricardo said:

I can also only repeat that even cursory research

Research is hard. People do PhDs to learn how to research well. You need to be able to identify good studies, bad studies and misrepresented ones.

56 minutes ago, ricardo said:

Below is a link to a recent Twitter post by former England footballer Matt Le Tissier. He was shocked by how many professional footballers were becoming sick with myocarditis following covid vaccinations and did his own research.

What were his research credentials? 'Do your own research' is a dangerous term. It's akin to giving a banker with no mechanical knowledge a spanner and telling them to change their own clutch with YouTube. People spend years or decades of their lives dedicated to learning how to research well.

There were higher rates of myocarditis long before any COVID vaccines existed. Turns out, viral infection is a cause of myocarditis. Even the flu can cause it.

So, is it more likely that a virus in wide circulation known to cause myocarditis, is doing just that, or, that it must be the vaccine?

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