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Everything posted by quilp

  1. Thanks. Didn't know so just throwing it out there.
  2. And heaven knows you're miserable now 😊
  3. quilp


    There's no escape for excess rainwater flowing out from a river when a tide is coming in.
  4. "Am I bovvered! Do I even look like am bovvered..?"
  5. It'll be in his favour if he's co-operative.
  6. Virtual net-curtail twitching 😄
  7. Did you also check the nitrate levels, just out of interest. Daughter tested ours before a water change in her fish-tank last night and it was unusually high...
  8. I'm not trying to stop you, that's up to you, just suggesting that maybe you've wrung it out more times than a window-cleaners chamois.
  9. But the importance in this case is subjective. You're just repeating yourself, pressing-home the same point, made pages and pages ago. Alternatively, reasonable contradiction from other posters hasn't put you off and some you're taking personally 🙄 Are people really that bothered..? Maybe it's time to put the cheapest sock you can find in it...
  10. Prescription charges in the UK will £9.90 for a single prescription from the 1st May. The pre-payment card charges are also increasing. We pay £3.85 per single prescription. Would it be unreasonable to be asked to pay a fiver for ours?
  11. I watched the whole parade yesterday. Unsurprisingly, no ISIS or hamas flags this year and only a few calls of "death to Jews!" Maybe 4/5000 on the March? As it passed, those Jews taking part in the counter-protest spontaneously began dancing and singing traditional Hebrew songs, a few with drums and whistles. The chant of "no hostages, no cease-fire" was a popular one. In a show of solidarity the Israeli flags flew alongside Union flags. A few of the Al-quds marchers shouted stuff, a few of the ISIS hand signals went up, threatening with the usual angry menace. The Jewish contingent (around 1000 at one point) rounded off the party with a loud rendition of the Hetikvah and last of all, a hearty, 'God save the King.' 10 arrests/detainings; mostly public order offences, some immediately released with a word of warning. Plenty of Met activity, who showed a lot of restraint, which was probably wise given the potential for mayhem. Some violence on the transport systems later on, possibly connected. A good result all the same, considering.
  12. Sounds like you're singling-out humans. Anyone who thinks humans are solely responsible is an idiot...
  13. It should be either a thumb's up or down. Or preferably nothing at all.
  14. Darwin's that focused he can score with his arse 😁
  15. So you wilfully ignored the technical details about the rockets being fired that I posted earlier. Fireworks? Every post you make is a concoction to absolve these terrorists of their actions now, and to downplay the barbarity of October 7th.
  16. Michael, Sir Jonathon Michael, singular. At least get that right! 🙄
  17. The Qassam, Grad and Katyusha are effective weapons. Apart from being indiscriminate (cannot be aimed) they can be built to carry explosive loads equivalent to an artillery shell up to 144kg of explosive potential. That's quite a boom... So hardly "fireworks." Although very effective they are often poorly constructed meaning they regularly fail after launch, often falling to an area of ground close to where it's fired from.
  18. So you must be assuming that "Israeli aggression" is gratuitous rather than reactionary, to the constant terroristic actions of the islamists. Since 2005 for instance, no fewer than 50,000 rockets have, and continue to fall on towns and cities in Israel, with mounting casualties, the threat has been a constant. As have been the bus and restaurant bombings, etc., specifically targetting Israeli civilians as they've never discriminated between the IDF and ordinary civilians because any dead Jew is a bonus to them. It's an unfortunate fact that even if hamas ceased to exist tomorrow there would be some other cell/faction ready and willing to take over and continue the fight in their place. It's the way of the islamist, martyrdom is in the blood.
  19. Yes. It would be a start. Here's a thing, the islamists appear able to replenish its supply of millions of rounds of small-arms ammunition, replacement RPG's, grenades and other ordnance smuggled in from Iran and others, why then can't they do the same with food and essential medical supplies. It is well known that any humanitarian supplies like food and meds are distributed to the terrorists before the people of gaza...
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