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Religious Extremism


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Okay, as promised, let's get to it.


Living Dope Church are Young Earth Creationists. This is the belief in a literal circa 6,000 year old earth, a six-day creation, the dinosaurs being wiped out by a global flood, and that evolution never happened. A global flood might have occurred, I'm open minded about that, but people can easily google "proof of evolution" and assess the evidence and if they have any sense they'll conclude young earth creationism is a load of bollocks. In fact, go to the Manx Museum and you'll find a wooden boat which dates back at least 15,000 years. Yet these morons, who are following a timeline invented by Bishop Ussher, who just added up all the ages in the Genesis and Exodus chronologies, think the earth to be less than 6,000 years old. I mean, really. Not just for some escapism like some of us might watch Lord of the Rings, they genuinely believe it about the real world.


Living Dope Church dogmas are on the fringe. They don't represent normative, orthodox, or any sort of historical Christianity. They are more influenced by post-1980 American televangelism than by the Bible or Reform theology. They preach what has already been alluded to as a "prosperity gospel". This is the idea that God makes people rich if they are good and faithful; anyone who is poor, is poor because they lack faith or they are in a state of sin. Don't take that lightly. Even the Catholic Church, at the height of its medieval corruption, never taught anything so offensive and derogatory.


They are a cult. They promote the ridiculous dogma that you must pay 10% of your income not just to charity but directly to them ("the house of God") as an organisation. They claim to be able to support this from the Bible, but the Bible was written long before the advent of the Welfare State. Back in ancient times, when the Bible was written, there was no social security, poor relief, family income supplement, no state pension, etc etc. Back in ancient times, it was necessary. Though, even back then, it was never to a specific organisation like a cult. It was to the individual to invest that money into direct relief to the poor. The Living Dope Church preach that anyone who is in a state of "grace" will follow this teaching. Now, anyone who is not in a state of "grace" is of course still in a state of sin and not redeemed. It does not take a rocket scientist, therefore, to deduce that they are pushing emotional and spiritual pressure on their members to pay up 10% of their income or burn in Hell. This is not a flippant statement. It is based on a serious and careful analysis of their pronouncements. It's also completely contrary to real Christianity, Reform or Protestant and Catholic.


I personally believe all religion is bullshit, but Living Dope are not just a religion, they are a very real cult, and I am very alarmed by their influence and presence on the island.


As their members are paying 10% of their incomes to this group, I assume we can all readily read their accounts somewhere online or in a public library, so we can look at where the money is going?

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They keep track of each others computers to make sure no one is accessing porn.


Hahahaha what?!



Their policy on pre-marital sex is rather laughable and further evidence of their modern reactionary origins, as opposed to biblical inspiration. In ancient middle eastern culture, sex was itself a consummating act between a man and woman. If a man and woman have sex, and are in a relationship, as far as the Bible is concerned, they're effectively married.

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They keep track of each others computers to make sure no one is accessing porn.


Hahahaha what?!


Their policy on pre-marital sex is rather laughable and further evidence of their modern reactionary origins, as opposed to biblical inspiration. In ancient middle eastern culture, sex was itself a consummating act between a man and woman. If a man and woman have sex, and are in a relationship, as far as the Bible is concerned, they're effectively married.


Spying on people's web activity is far more than just delusional belief, it's fucking insane.


Good posts by the way.

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Point is, you're full of thoughts. If you think good things, you're full of good. Thoughts beget actions and vice versa. An outside old man in the sky is not needed to live a good life. The world is what you or we make of it. If things aren't good, do something about it. Don't pray up at an invisible character in the sky. If God is real and knows all, he or she doesn't require your prayers.

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Yes but his churches need your money smile.png


And I'm not exactly happy that the clowncil have passed over (whatever, it's at a similar time of year to the corpy one and I'd never let the facts get in the way of a rant) their Fun day to a bunch of, well, you know there are some times when only swear words will do, this is one of those times, fucking lunatics!

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