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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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4 hours ago, woolley said:

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), established in 1938,[1] is Britain's oldest independent economic research institute. The institute is a London-based[2][3] independent EU-funded,

Oh look. What a surprise. EU funded to work against your interests paid for by your own money.

2018 figures.

Yes, it got £38k out of a £2million plus specific project budget for one commissioned  project. It got £1.1 million from ONA, also for specific projects. It got a further £77,000 generally towards its total budget of £4million by way of subscriptions from EU institutions. So £115k out of £4 million.is going to prejudice it’s research independence? 

That is woody fact spinning by you.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

2018 figures.

Yes, it got £38k out of a £2million plus specific project budget for one commissioned  project. It got £1.1 million from ONA, also for specific projects. It got a further £77,000 generally towards its total budget of £4million by way of subscriptions from EU institutions. So £115k out of £4 million.is going to prejudice it’s research independence? 

That is woody fact spinning by you.

Every little helps as they say, and they wouldn't want to lose it. I didn't say it wasn't independent, I said it was unreliable which it is by definition. It works against the UK by adding to Project Fear and eroding confidence.

"We estimate that, in the long run, the economy would be 3.5% smaller with the deal compared to continued EU membership,".

Having spent a lifetime in business and around the various indices, I can assure everyone that long term financial stargazing such as this is notoriously unreliable. It could just as well be 5% larger, or more. And who knows what EU membership will mean in the future anyway?

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28 minutes ago, woolley said:

You think? That's like Oscar Pistorius telling me I'm limping a bit.

No it isn't.

Claiming that the paltry donation from the EU would somehow influence the NIESR research results to make your totally stupid and unnecessary brexit look like a massive mistake isn't just a bit hysterical it's also really really pathetic.

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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

No it isn't.

Claiming that the paltry donation from the EU would somehow influence the NIESR research results to make your totally stupid and unnecessary brexit look like a massive mistake isn't just a bit hysterical it's also really really pathetic.

Whoosh. As ever.

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6 hours ago, P.K. said:

Give your arse a chance.

I worked in a multinational where business decisions and investments were made on projections. Like on the rest of the planet.

So stop trying to undermine anything that makes your totally stupid and unnecessary brexit look like one colossal fuckup. Instead challenge it with your own figures.


same lot that did some of the #projectfear projections.......they got that massively wrong........

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

No it isn't.

Claiming that the paltry donation from the EU would somehow influence the NIESR research results to make your totally stupid and unnecessary brexit look like a massive mistake isn't just a bit hysterical it's also really really pathetic.

How would you know? The IOM has never been prepared to join the EU and accept its rules for doing so, neither have you.

Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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5 hours ago, John Wright said:

2018 figures.

Yes, it got £38k out of a £2million plus specific project budget for one commissioned  project. It got £1.1 million from ONA, also for specific projects. It got a further £77,000 generally towards its total budget of £4million by way of subscriptions from EU institutions. So £115k out of £4 million.is going to prejudice it’s research independence? 

That is woody fact spinning by you.

How would you know? The IOM has never been prepared to join the EU and accept its rules for doing so, neither have you.

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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Point to these rules or concrete examples of unwritten rules of EU funding being put into practice. I say horseshit, so prove otherwise.

The fact is, it’s horseshit, and whatever passport or status I or you or the man on the moon holds, it’s still horseshit. 

How would you know? The IOM has never been prepared to join the EU and accept its rules for doing so, neither have you.

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