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1 hour ago, Boo Gay'n said:

The Boy Vampire puts the record straight...


As so often with Ashford, you don't know if he was genuinely clueless or pretending to be so to avoid awkward questions.  And our old friend sub judice rode to rescue yet again, though even Moulton has worked out by now that it's not relevant.

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2 hours ago, Manx Resident said:

On another point relating to Manx Care, but not the thread about the tribunal findings, the service from Lloyds Pharmacist in Onchan has been atrocious over the last three months with lost repeat prescriptions and numerous return visits to collect prescriptions which are still not ready when promised. The war in Ukraine has been blamed for most everything else …. but what is going on with such a key service as the dispensing of prescriptions?..

 I hear many are experiencing similar problems surrounding the process of getting prescriptions in  Ramsey.

It seems, at the very least,  an inconvenience for many, but for some it appears to be a serious  issue.

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12 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

As so often with Ashford, you don't know if he was genuinely clueless or pretending to be so to avoid awkward questions.  And our old friend sub judice rode to rescue yet again, though even Moulton has worked out by now that it's not relevant.

Remember Roger, Ashford and evidence summed up as "practiced and diplomatic seemingly guided by the principal of deniability of anything potentially inconvenient until objective evidence was available to the contrary". We know how he behaves, and he is still doing it.

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I watched only a few minutes of "Ashford Confesses" before suffering a life-changing brain injury, so I swapped to the transcript.

Some of his comments there show a very great difference in work and communication practices between my day and the present. In the old days a message required hand-writing or a typewriter and some effort. Communications were somewhat sparse. In these days of emails, any trivial thought seems to be worthy of transmission.

Ashford says that in one year he received 29,000 emails and sent 15,000. That's a lot of work-overhead there.

He also says his email box is limited to 2 GB, and after that they are archived - which means that they are not easily searched for who said what and when. 2GB is not much - my emails total more than 2GB and nobody talks to me.

This also highlights the downside of computerised data - yes, it can be easily searched, but there is so much data available it cannot all be read. It is necessary to create a filter - and then it is also easy to filter out things that are relevant (or embarrassing).

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2 hours ago, Boo Gay'n said:

The Boy Vampire puts the record straight...


a few 'assumptions' in there on ashies part , anyway he was too busy with other things to worry about handing over info. 



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5 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

If GTS did the SAR then presumably they had someone vaguely IT literate putting in the search criteria to find documents which might explain things. Or Ashford deliberately hid it and it was found by IT. Either way it suggests no proper project was put in place to manage this competently. The legal team from the start has pissed all over every aspect of the IOM government defense. Clearly they’re not used to trying that hard to get their own way. 

If the search facility on whatever platforms they use for their emails and other data etc are anything like the government website then I'm not surprised that couldn't find it. It's absolute shite!

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1 hour ago, hampsterkahn said:

 I hear many are experiencing similar problems surrounding the process of getting prescriptions in  Ramsey.

It seems, at the very least,  an inconvenience for many, but for some it appears to be a serious  issue.

My Chemist on Windsor road who usually are brilliant have had problems these last few months too. But they have said theres issues with getting lots of the meds particularly popular ones. I myself have been given part prescriptions on several occasions so they have enough to provide for everyone. Whoever they get them from is the problem. Think blood pressure meds and the likes are a issue.  

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57 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Staggering how woefully incompetent the whole defense appears to have been since day one and yet they still keep coming back for more of a kicking.

Presumably they are on an hourly rate - probably higher than yours. Every kick is more money in the bank account.  So long as someone (i.e. the taxpayers) keep writing the cheques, they will keep turning up in court.

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IMHO, what we are seeing here is a coordinated effort by government to use the legal system to ‘get their own way’. Even though the DHSC have technically lost this case and Dr Ranson has won it, they are still willing to continue frustrate her claim. I get the impression that in other similar cases the whistle-blower will concede when the government has done all it needed to do to bleed their opponents dry. The whistleblowing protection on the Island seems to exist in political name only. If it does exist, it is light years behind the ‘less than perfect’ system in the UK (which has undergone major reforms in the recent times). It appears that if/ when a whistle-blower reveals wrongdoing in an IOM government department, after receiving token support, that person is ‘abandoned’ and is left to stand alone against all of the powers and legal strategies the IOMG can muster against them. E.g., the AGC should never have been allowed to have at least three roles in the legal system. They can act as barristers at the same time as they have responsibility for providing the government with legal advice and also overseeing our judiciary system. Surely, they must have conflicts of interest in every case they are involved in?

After the last two days of Dr Ranson’s disclosure hearing my overwhelming feeling is that of sadness and deep disappointment about how unfair access to justice can be for ordinary residents. If people do not have very deep pockets or rich backers (as the government clearly has the upper hand in terms of the legal and financial advantage), how can they access justice? In cases like Ranson’s is about a lot more than government departments being able to get away with the incompetence, it is about how the government can get away with almost anything!

As far as am I concerned, the next IOM GE can’t come soon enough – unless MHK candidates are prepared to spell out how they are going to ‘reform’ government including beefing-up the 'whistle-blower legislation' with practical measures, I will not vote for them. In fact, a ‘voters-strike’ where nobody votes because we all feel so much antipathy towards the government would be a good stance to take. There needs to be growing awareness of how bad the whole system actually is. That might be the only option the GMP have in order to make the establishment understand that too many residents are fed-up and want real practical change.

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Delay, deflect, deny. Standard operating practice and works well against any pleb who might be uppity enough to challenge initially. Mess around and ignore for long enough and they'll go away.

Fortunately both Dr Ranson and this matter (to say nothing of the Deemster) do not fall into the "any pleb" category and it speaks volumes for the intellect of those in DHSC that they haven't yet cottoned on to this.

Perhaps it should be agreed that the next round of costs that they run up should be taken out of their superannuation?

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