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Desperate Dan

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On 7/7/2020 at 7:31 PM, John Wright said:

I don’t subscribe to the ambush conspiracy paranoia, I’m afraid. But we will never know.


I think it is fair to say you don't believe there was an ambush, but to describe the not unreasonable suggestion that it was an ambush as conspiracy paranoia is unnecessarily divisive. And makes you look a bit of a fool.


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4 hours ago, gettafa said:

I think it is fair to say you don't believe there was an ambush, but to describe the not unreasonable suggestion that it was an ambush as conspiracy paranoia is unnecessarily divisive. And makes you look a bit of a fool.


Particularly if you didn't listen to the programme. 

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I have listened to the programme maybe a couple of times a week since October. I kinda know who phones in - Buster (RIP), Quirky, Eric, an aul Manx Bloke who is very amusing and to the point (can't remember his name), and one or two others. You get to know who the other contributors are too.

Then suddenly there are 4 brand knew callers, who I bet my left knacker are not regular or even very occasional listeners to the show. Jordan had reason to phone in, due to a post on this here forums, fair enough but oh, I bet the other knacker that Jordan and all the others aren't regular contributors or readers of Manx Forums. 

All 3/4 callers together at the beginning of the show.

Mr Wright does make himself look a silly billy at times.




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25 minutes ago, gettafa said:


I have listened to the programme maybe a couple of times a week since October. I kinda know who phones in - Buster (RIP), Quirky, Eric, an aul Manx Bloke who is very amusing and to the point (can't remember his name), and one or two others. You get to know who the other contributors are too.

Then suddenly there are 4 brand knew callers, who I bet my left knacker are not regular or even very occasional listeners to the show. Jordan had reason to phone in, due to a post on this here forums, fair enough but oh, I bet the other knacker that Jordan and all the others aren't regular contributors or readers of Manx Forums. 

All 3/4 callers together at the beginning of the show.

Mr Wright does make himself look a silly billy at times.




The odd thing about the Jordan call was he didn't dispute the stats on black deaths, or give another spin on it: that perhaps it was indicative of the social and economic disadvantages of blacks in America, so it was unsurprising that an underclass in a tooled up society killed their own more frequently.  It was just an attack.

Disappointing that John had made up his mind on MR/Stu without considering the full facts, especially given his position you would expect him to weigh all evidence.  

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On 7/9/2020 at 12:52 AM, gettafa said:

I think it is fair to say you don't believe there was an ambush, but to describe the not unreasonable suggestion that it was an ambush as conspiracy paranoia is unnecessarily divisive. And makes you look a bit of a fool.


In this new age of enlightenment, just because it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck does not mean that JW cannot refer to it as a Wombat if that is how it wishes to identify.

Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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31 minutes ago, gettafa said:


I have listened to the programme maybe a couple of times a week since October. I kinda know who phones in - Buster (RIP), Quirky, Eric, an aul Manx Bloke who is very amusing and to the point (can't remember his name), and one or two others. You get to know who the other contributors are too.

Then suddenly there are 4 brand knew callers, who I bet my left knacker are not regular or even very occasional listeners to the show. Jordan had reason to phone in, due to a post on this here forums, fair enough but oh, I bet the other knacker that Jordan and all the others aren't regular contributors or readers of Manx Forums. 

All 3/4 callers together at the beginning of the show.

Mr Wright does make himself look a silly billy at times.


That's still not an ambush. They rang phone-in show.

I'll be honest, that Stu has played the victim by perpetuating this ridiculous argument coupled with the lack of evidence that he realises he made mistakes has hardened attitude towards him. I thought he was an insensitive product of his times and that resulted in his thoughtless conduct . But now it looks like he doesn't care. And if you don't care when your racially insensitive words have hurt people, what's that make you?

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19 minutes ago, Declan said:

That's still not an ambush. They rang phone-in show.

I'll be honest, that Stu has played the victim by perpetuating this ridiculous argument coupled with the lack of evidence that he realises he made mistakes has hardened attitude towards him. I thought he was an insensitive product of his times and that resulted in his thoughtless conduct . But now it looks like he doesn't care. And if you don't care when your racially insensitive words have hurt people, what's that make you?

How has he played the victim?  How do you know he doesn't care, and what doesn't he care about? I guess you will have to ask him as none of us can answer those questions.  

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On the subject of the alleged "ambush"...

A phone in radio show normally has a topic or topics that are being discussed that day.  I presume that on the day Jordan called in the discussion was in relation to the BLM Protest (I wasn't listening so please do correct me if that is incorrect).

That topic is likely to attract a certain type of caller who may not ordinarily call the show if it is to discuss the traffic lights in Onchan or whatever else the "hot topic" of the day is.  

Typically the shows will invite callers who have relevant experience or a strong view.  It is therefore unsurprising to me that the show would attract 2 or 3 callers who felt strongly about the subject, may have had some involvement with the BLM and who decide to then call in.

That is not an ambush.  That is just people responding to a topic on a phone-in show.  Manx Radio, and Stu Peters, should therefore have been prepared to deal with callers who might have a strong opinion (on both sides of the argument).  It strikes me that they approached a highly inflammatory story without being prepared. 


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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

On the subject of the alleged "ambush"...

A phone in radio show normally has a topic or topics that are being discussed that day.  I presume that on the day Jordan called in the discussion was in relation to the BLM Protest (I wasn't listening so please do correct me if that is incorrect).

That topic is likely to attract a certain type of caller who may not ordinarily call the show if it is to discuss the traffic lights in Onchan or whatever else the "hot topic" of the day is.  

Typically the shows will invite callers who have relevant experience or a strong view.  It is therefore unsurprising to me that the show would attract 2 or 3 callers who felt strongly about the subject, may have had some involvement with the BLM and who decide to then call in.

That is not an ambush.  That is just people responding to a topic on a phone-in show.  Manx Radio, and Stu Peters, should therefore have been prepared to deal with callers who might have a strong opinion (on both sides of the argument).  It strikes me that they approached a highly inflammatory story without being prepared. 


I fully agree.

I’m not being critical of Stu, or the callers, or BLM/PoC IoM.

I am critical about the MR preparedness and poor response.

Its something that I know a number of posters, many of whom I respect, will not agree with, but I think they are confusing the Broadcasting Standards referral to Comms Comm and the Stations own internal response, which in these heightened times could avoid the issue rumbling on and coming back to bite.

There should have been language sensitivity and awareness training already in place. I’m talking about inclusion here, across all minority groups. It’s not snowflake or PC gone mad. It’s basic common sense in an audience consumer facing service organisation.

Offering to meet doesn’t do anything really. It’s not suitable for mediation at this stage.

But finding out exactly what they want, and ensuring you’ve done everything you can to resolve a fairly common and widespread issue about lack of awareness in relation to inclusion is good business sense.

I keep on trying to depersonalise my responses. I see that many posters can’t do that.

Its not specifically about Stu, or BLM/PoC IoM it’s about a wider societal issue of thoughtlessness in how we treat minorities, how we perceive them, how we talk about, and to, them, how we can be as inclusive as possible. It’s not something we should question in the days of Equality legislation.

And of course people can be too Sensitive, too easily offended, just as others can’t accept that change is necessary.


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4 minutes ago, gettafa said:


I have listened to the programme maybe a couple of times a week since October. I kinda know who phones in - Buster (RIP), Quirky, Eric, an aul Manx Bloke who is very amusing and to the point (can't remember his name), and one or two others. You get to know who the other contributors are too.

Then suddenly there are 4 brand knew callers, who I bet my left knacker are not regular or even very occasional listeners to the show. Jordan had reason to phone in, due to a post on this here forums, fair enough but oh, I bet the other knacker that Jordan and all the others aren't regular contributors or readers of Manx Forums. 

All 3/4 callers together at the beginning of the show.

Mr Wright does make himself look a silly billy at times.

"This is a local show for local people" - the Royston Vasey of radio[1].

You have no way of knowing if those who rang in were regular listeners to Stu's show.  That's not how the wireless works you know.  Anyone can just 'tune in'.  The vast majority of people who listen will never ring in to contribute and a majority of those who do ring in will not do so regularly, but very occasionally when there's a particular topic that they know about and feel strongly enough about to break their usual habits and ring in.  This means that most contributions come from a tiny minority of listeners, but there will be many times that out there.  If there isn't and Stu is actually only getting half a dozen listeners, they'd take him off air pretty quickly.

It's the same for Manx Forums.  At the moment it shows as having 282 readers online, but only 20 are shown as logged in and even some of those have only contributed on a handful of times over the years.  Most of the time the vast majority of MF users are happy just to read what others have written.

But you know what?  Even if they had never listened to Stu's show before or read MF, they are perfectly entitled to contribute.  These things are open access, not the preserve of some tiny, self-appointed elite.

Similarly believing that, because people with similar views happen to ring in at the same time about a currently controversial topic, it must be some sort evil plot, is pretty much a definition of a  paranoid behaviour.  On the contrary it's exactly what you would expect to happen - and what a radio station would actually hope for[2]. 

To think otherwise is like the accusations of sock-puppetry that you  get on MF - because some people seem unable to believe that more than one person in the universe could disagree with their views.  Of course people only complain when it's views they disagree with.  If three of Stu's supporters post on here in a row, no one is then saying that they must have ganged up to do it.

But again, even if those callers had some sort of pre-arrangement, it wouldn't matter.  Any more than if a couple of Stu's regulars had chatted and agreed to bring up a particular topic.  Stu is a professional - he's supposed to be able to cope.


[1]  Until I googled it to check the spelling, I'd completely forgotten that Royston Vasey is Roy 'Chubby' Brown's real name.

[2]  It's worth pointing out that to some extent Stu's programme was set up to fail.  Without a separate producer to balance the calls you're very likely to get a pattern of views all going one way and then another.  But Stu insisted on this format so he can't really complain.

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23 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

On the subject of the alleged "ambush"...

A phone in radio show normally has a topic or topics that are being discussed that day.  I presume that on the day Jordan called in the discussion was in relation to the BLM Protest (I wasn't listening so please do correct me if that is incorrect).

That topic is likely to attract a certain type of caller who may not ordinarily call the show if it is to discuss the traffic lights in Onchan or whatever else the "hot topic" of the day is.  

Typically the shows will invite callers who have relevant experience or a strong view.  It is therefore unsurprising to me that the show would attract 2 or 3 callers who felt strongly about the subject, may have had some involvement with the BLM and who decide to then call in.

That is not an ambush.  That is just people responding to a topic on a phone-in show.  Manx Radio, and Stu Peters, should therefore have been prepared to deal with callers who might have a strong opinion (on both sides of the argument).  It strikes me that they approached a highly inflammatory story without being prepared. 


That is not how it unfolded.  There was no topic out for discussion. 

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