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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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4 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I’m not incorrect as I know several people who qualified on either of those basis. The rules do not seem to be that strictly adhered to. If you have a house here even if it’s been rented out and you haven’t lived here for years seems to be fine as all they want to see is if it’s registered in your name. You have a tax allowance/record against the income too. Equally having a Manx NI number seems to be acceptable. As always it seems to be a case of not what you know but who you know to get it all approved. The electoral register criteria is meaningless as half the people who actually do live here aren’t on it anyway.

The cover all as at the end - “an individual who does not fall within any of the descriptions above but who is able to provide other evidence to satisfy the Chief Secretary that he or she is a resident of the Island” which can be translated as “anyone we want really”. Andy maybe doesn’t have friends in high enough places! 

I avoid quid pro quo relationships, irrespective of the other party's social, political or any other standing in the community. 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Correct, Howie & ashie are just pandering to their base of scared pitchfork brigade 

No. As someone else has said the WHO website comes in handy when developing a strategy.

Strategy... fuck did I just write that? Ignore that it can't be true because IOMG has no strategy for anything that affects the general public.

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22 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Looking at it now you're basically going to be paying 50 quid to be allowed to go to work you cant do anything else so why bother? I'd rather keep my 50 quid. Also if you work in a place with 1/200 people in what's the difference between going there and going out to a restaurant? 

No difference, exactly the same with someone from Iom going to UK and family from UK coming here!

except Howie has made up some strange rules 

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2 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

Looking at it now you're basically going to be paying 50 quid to be allowed to go to work you cant do anything else so why bother? I'd rather keep my 50 quid. Also if you work in a place with 1/200 people in what's the difference between going there and going out to a restaurant? 

Here's what he actually said thommo

"In terms of what will be permitted.  People will be able to return to their place of work – if their employer is happy for them to do so – so long as they do not have a role that requires them to interact with the public, for example: teachers, retail assistants, and receptionists.  You will also be able to shop, but only for essential items such as food and medicines."


So to get back to work, your employer has to OK it AND you can't be in a public facing role.


Edited by piebaps
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3 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Here's what he actually said thommo

"In terms of what will be permitted.  People will be able to return to their place of work – if their employer is happy for them to do so – so long as they do not have a role that requires them to interact with the public, for example: teachers, retail assistants, and receptionists.  You will also be able to shop, but only for essential items such as food and medicines."


So to get back to work, your employer has to OK it AND you can't be in a public facing role.


how's that going to work?

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6 minutes ago, Banker said:

Unless you’re in an office job, warehouse or retired you have to do 14 days

I think even offices are going to struggle.

The scaremongering and hysteria is such that I guess other staff will complain if someone tries to do this and so most places won’t allow it.

The way it’s worded pretty much puts the onus on the employers, and if Karen picks COVID up from Dave who has been away because the boss allowed Dave back to work..........

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6 minutes ago, trmpton said:

I think even offices are going to struggle.

The scaremongering and hysteria is such that I guess other staff will complain if someone tries to do this and so most places won’t allow it.

The way it’s worded pretty much puts the onus on the employers, and if Karen picks COVID up from Dave who has been away because the boss allowed Dave back to work..........

Probably right the hysteria generated is getting worse, meanwhile residents of Jersey can travel freely subject to testing and quarantine for some areas. 86000 tests in Jersey, 14 active cases and 0 needed hospital treatment 

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1 minute ago, Neil Down said:

going out for essential shopping is leaving a loophole big enough to drive a bus through

Agreed.  There is no reason for anyone to need to go to the shops themselves in 2020.

If we are going to have quarantine rules they should be clear that you stay at home, otherwise what’s the point of a potentially infected person can wander round Tesco?

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