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ian rush

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Everything posted by ian rush

  1. They’ll have told all their mates and family as per, so when that starts to leak we can probably expect something more official.
  2. DoI owned the sites and it was part of the original brief for developers that they included bus station of a certain spec, indicated contributions expected from Government etc as well as hotel facilities. That last bit has been dropped (maybe because of Premier Inn and less business travel post Covid).
  3. You’d have thought so with a 6-pager.
  4. I’ll be getting my best towel out and heading to the airport fence to pay tribute.
  5. Interesting company Paul Burgess keeps https://prnewslink.net/releases/31815.html Level with the electorate: are you a racis who likes conspiracy theories Stu?
  6. Interesting because it sets out beliefs that reinforce what you already think? I don’t know if it was deliberate or genuine ignorance but anything which refers to Mr rather than Professor Curran and cover ups within the first 40 seconds is all a bit Matt Le Tissier. Still, if you can’t accept you might be part of the problem and don’t want to change anything ever it'll be music to your ears. It’s even a video rather than something you have to read.
  7. I’m away over the weekend coming and mannanan seems back to c. 2:45 to liverpool
  8. Teething problems with boat, shit weather, shit berth at Heysham and not having a massive government subsidy won’t help on the aul customer satisfaction.
  9. Yes, St George’s must be costing DfE a fortune and without a great effort by DfE King Gaming would never have chosen a small wet expensive island to operate from. When will the politicians learn that most rich people choose the island for questionable reasons beyond even tax. At least Whitaker and Hemings had some substance to their money and operations but lots of those being courted or choosing the IoM you’d be right to be a bit sceptical. Small island, big fish, lots of jobs as bait, easy political access etc.
  10. Great bunch of lads.
  11. You come to MF for advice about bullying and gobshitery.
  12. Do any of the cost based opponents of the wind farm not remember how much the Pulrose and the gas interconnector cost? Pulrose will not last forever and a lot of the important bits are bespoke manufactured. Wind plus an ability to tap into the uk / European grid with some planned run off residual fossil capacity with what we have left is the way to go. Landing spaces for cables in the north west of england (because of the number of offshore wind farms their side) is one of the issues which will need to be worked around.
  13. Let’s just recruit some of the gobshites on here who know best and will do it far better than anyone ever and for free.
  14. The officers in planning, the Planning Committee and the Inspector and the Minister on appeals are all required to apply the policies the Strategic Plan, the Area Plan and other stuff like registered buildings. They can’t ignore the prescribed policies which have to be applied when determining planning applications. The politicians are ultimately in charge of the policies in the area plan and strategic plan but changing them is a long process and involves lots of public participation including at a public Inquiry before an Inspector. There’s a public inquiry on the west/north area plan later this year.
  15. It comes with responsibilities and the more greedy rentiers who exit because they don’t like the idea of doing things right, the better.
  16. If a registered building falls down the owner (or insurer if on risk) has to restore to the condition it was in at the date of registration. No one will touch this one as with the neglect of the current owners the works required to put it back into ‘registration date’ condition it’s probably valueless. Only the Saddle end property of the block is registered, the rest is merely conservation zone. Yet that’s the only one with the slates removed and not replaced…
  17. There may be cost uncertainty but it’s got to happen whether with or without wind turbines.
  18. But at Brno they’re going to a purpose built venue with 000s of spectators using a city sized fleet of buses where the racing will happen come what may, rather than trying to drop people off at hedges with the roads on which racing will take place being closed and racing subject to weather.
  19. Expect the total pension situation to have improved with better rates of return i.e what would it cost if it all had to be paid out now
  20. Cannan pater managed to keep KM free of public sector housing. Only parish without, save possibly some sheltered accom. On that basis, leave nature take its course and stop the handouts.
  21. If this comes off (Mersey barrage) there’ll be lock to go through before getting to the landing stage https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/eight-things-you-need-know-28780656
  22. ian rush

    Firm closing

    For agent read taxman.
  23. Saying stuff like bloat, waste, inefficiency is just words. I bet he never made a business case to reduce services, do less or take on more. Its like John Houghton saying we should have negotiated harder when the VAT share happened, although in his mind he probably had banging his karate chop on the table and shouting at UK officials
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