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58 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

 ... Was talking to a couple of them last year and they were spending an absolute fortune , hundreds of pounds , on flight over , Palace hotel and beer/food etc.  

I remember playing cricket against a touring XI from Somerset or Wiltshire.

They absolutely stuffed us and a couple of days later a mate and I went to watch them play Finch Hill.  One of their batsmen thumped Ian Tomlinson (then possibly the best bowler on the Island) all round Noble's Park.  Kept hitting him straight back over his head for six or four.

They invited everybody back to their hotel for a lock in and I've never seen so much booze sunk in my life.  I thought we Manx people were heavy drinkers but these guys were phenomenal.  They must have spent a fortune on the Island.  and they absolutely loved it!

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14 minutes ago, Barlow said:

There is probably nothing - nothing - worse than a manx knowall. Knows the fuckin' lot yessir, "I even knew yer father, use to go to school with your gran etc etc et-boring-loud-mouthed-cetera".

You seem to have some anger management issues. As I said I don’t need any Manx history lessons of anyone on this forum. Not least about the student festivals which I remember well. As I said what the IOM needs is less violent scousers, amongst others, causing havoc. It’s just importing trouble on top of the trouble that’s already here.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

From the incident until the full press release took 15 hours. I can’t see how that could have been bettered.

Fast moving crime scene. 

999 call. Police and paramedics get to Palace. Paramedics attempt to save life, stabilise and get victim to hospital.

Police secure area, search for and preserve evidence, identify and speak to witness. Other police set up diversion and liaise with IoM Transport. A brief statement about closure of the prom gets issued.

Suspect is detained. Transported to HQ. Serious Crimes will have been called in. Scenes of Crimes officers. Custody will have had to call out FME, possibly forensic team for search and preservation of clothing.

Detained person is allowed rest period, sleep, under PPP codes.

in meantime there’ll have been at least one officer at hospital reporting back into the investigation and preserving evidence.

Not much time to get a full statement out.

The problem is that we expect rolling news 24/7 because we live in the media age.

In the meantime, the general public didn’t know if they were in danger.
It would only take a simple statement. 

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5 minutes ago, Cambon said:

In the meantime, the general public didn’t know if they were in danger.
It would only take a simple statement. 

And 15 years ago, before social media, they wouldn’t have known there was an issue.

There are protocols about how to handle, and notify, ongoing risk or danger. That they weren’t deployed tells you all you need to know.

You know the sort of thing.

Police are looking for a man, aged 40-60, medium height, ( other descriptive info ) who left the scene. If you think you see them ‘phone xxxxxxx. Do not approach.

Its not the police, it’s the fevered hive mind.

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2 hours ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

What football and why would they be from Liverpool? If you're referring to the FC IOM game on Monday it's a team from Greater Manchester. 

Merseyside area / Greater Manchester = Scousers.

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5 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Perhaps I missed it but I'm still waiting for the proper reporting of the incident at last July's Southern Hundred where two spectators lost their lives. Or is it none of my business ?

Where have you been? It was very widely reported at the time and shortly afterwards.

Although my memory is not the best, I thought it was a marshall and rider that were killed?

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1 hour ago, Barlow said:

There is probably nothing - nothing - worse than a manx knowall. Knows the fuckin' lot yessir, "I even knew yer father, use to go to school with your gran etc etc et-boring-loud-mouthed-cetera".



Ask Exocet.

I think the student sports festival grew out of the Easter Hockey Festival. That was very popular, I see there are a few teams over now.

Oh, and Exocet, perhaps for those here that aren't all-knowing 'manx', and back on topic re football teams. There was a supporter of a visiting team was seriously assaulted outside Sam Webbs, unprovoked, quite recently by a local. 

Anyway, this is all somewhat off topic but not irrelevant.

No , it grew out of the inaugural year of sport in 1985 I think that the late Geoff Corlett organised. He also brought over students from his old College to implement  the first Special Olympics that was held here.   
As has just been mentioned above another reason why the Easter sports festival and in the end the Student festival ended was that hoteliers wouldn’t take them anymore as there was a lot of damage to rooms etc and general really bad behavior . As I’d said earlier too Student sport events popped up every wear as places realised there was a revenue stream to be accessed. It tbh far too expensive to come here. 


Edited by Numbnuts
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5 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

 It tbh far too expensive to come here. 


But now the Steam Packet is owned by the people for the people, we could now subsidise such events for the common good.

Instead we get a long and bitter dispute with the workforce and continue to pull customer's pants down at every opportunity while citing the classic "arm length" defence against criticism.

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1 hour ago, The Phantom said:

Definitely uni student sports. Mid 90s to mid 00s I was involved either playing or partying. 

I agree, I was Fell running in the 80 - 90's all teams were from Universities, their used to be a Beer Drinking Boat race on Sun Night composed mainly of Uni teams plus a Manx Athletic Team And a Fell Running team, we quite often got through to the finals

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Off topic. The shops were astounded at the amount of water the visiting students were buying. Mid 1990s.

Students may well be right on and with it with various trends, but surely more wealthy than when I was a student.

To most people's minds, only complete knackers would buy bottled water. Was this a joke? We had grown up with drinking superb tap water, why buy it for a quid, or whatever. Was this some sort of joke? To be fair, the Water Authority - the Ushtey thing - had started loading the water with chlorine and it did taste shite (Hello Patrick Heaton-Armstrong, I'm talking to you here). Their advice was to put your drinking water in the fridge overnight as that lets the chlorine evaporate off. WTF? When I grew up we didn't even have a fridge and the water was just fine.

And on another side note, the students could be rather crude. I was in Jaks and they were playing a rugby drinking game to do with the loser eating a soggy biscuit.

Maybe it was all getting a bit out of hand.

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